Friday, June 14, 2013

Week 2 Weigh In!!!

So so so sorry this took so long everyone. It's been crazyyyy!!!!! I can't believe it's officially been two weeks. I bought a scale today so I could weigh myself at home and not have to go all the way to the gym on campus. Anyways you want to know the good stuff right? I lost a total of 2.3 pounds since my last weigh in!!!!

I lost in fat the same weight of this mega burger!!!

Seriously, what is this maddness, I've lost 5.6 pounds in two weeks, all naturally, no gimmicks. So if you all remember from last week I said if I lost 3 more pounds I would be out of my danger zone. This weeks loss puts me only 1 pound away from that. Not that I want to stop there but it is rewarding. I swear, if people would just commit to finding a program that works for them to be healthy all the rest would line up perfectly. I never would have thought I could have lost this much in such a short amount of time. I do anticipate though after this I'll probably lose about a pound a week since I've lost all my supposed water weight. Still if I can do a pound a week that means over the next few weeks I can lose around 10 pounds of pure fat by the time school picks up again. That  meaning I would have lost 15 pounds total. That's half of my total weight loss goal. I'm patient, I would rather lose it the right way and keep it off feeling proud and great because I'm healthy instead of just thin. Healthy living is me now everyone, think I'm silly and going overboard if you want but what's wrong with eating natural things and treating my body with respect? Nothing. I was given this vessel to use while I'm on earth and I plan to have it running for a long time.

Ok, rambling again. That's it for now, I'm still working on getting a tape measure so I can have a more accurate record of my weight loss but until then I'll just make do. Still going strong into week 3 so lets git er done!!!!

Post week 2 pics, I can see subtle differences but I could be making them up lol

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