Pretty legit :)
Anyways, my meals were as follows:
Meal 1 (416 calories)
3 egg whites, 2 wheat tortillas, pico de gallo, and a half a grapefruit
Meal 2 (170 calories)
Homemade wheat thins with a little over half a banana
Looks delish right?
Meal 3 (339 calories)Peanut butter and banana sandwich (2 slices of whole wheat bread, 2 tbs of crunchy peanut butter, 1/3 of a banana)
Meal 4 (326 calories)
Homemade wheat thins and a half cup of homemade Greek yogurt guacamole
Meal 5 (251 calories)
Turkey burger salad (iceberg lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and mushrooms) with balsamic vinaigrette dressing, and coconut water.
It was soo fresh and delicious :)
All together that added up to a caloric intake of 1502 calories, only 195 calories under my budget. I was happy that I got all my meals and calories in today and it really wasn't that hard because I packed them all and pretty much ate all but the latter at work. The coconut water definitely was interesting in taste. I was expecting it to have a stronger coconut taste so that through me off but it wasn't a bad taste, just I have another can waiting for next week when I do another strenuous workout so we'll see then if I've adjusted to the taste.
For my workout it was cardio and I made maaaajjjjjoooorrrr strides today. The first thing on my blogilates juneonfire calendar was to run a mile and guess what? Totally ran it in 8 MINUTES AND 45 SECONDS!!!!! Seriously you don't know how big of a deal that is!!! The fastest I've ever run was in like 4th grade I think, or maybe it was jr. high, I don't know, but all I remember is I did it in 9 mins 45 seconds. So legitimately that's the fastest I've ever run a mile in my life. Complete success, it's days like these that I know for a fact my healthy lifestyle change is transforming me from the inside out. Anyways, sorry about rambling, I was just really excited.
Next on the calendar was more cardio and then we ended with a butt workout appropriately labeled the what makes you bootyful butt challenge. Let me tell you I full on died with all this cardio madness because after I finished today's workout I had to finish the last of my videos from Wednesday. Those consisted of the 100 burpee burnout, food baby HIIT workout, and the till the world ends challenge. I actually did the latter 2 first and then ended my workout with the burpees so I could completely burn out and give it my all. I did do all 100 burpees and completed my goal of focusing more on my form. My roommate who's seen me workout since I started even commented on how far I'd come with my burpee form!!! I even jumped up at the end of each burpee when I usually just jump my feet to my hands and stand up. I felt imaculate after doing it and I had sweat dripping everywhere after my workout. I just laid on the floor for at least 10 minutes after words.
Top left is after my mile, bottom left and right are after the rest of the cardio including the burpees.
Sweat was all over the floor, ridiculous!!!
All and all it was a fantastic Friday, I ate right and owned my workout. Looking forward to finishing out the week strong tomorrow. I should be getting a tape measure tomorrow too so there will be measurements along with my post week 3 update on Sunday. My goal for tomorrow is simply stay on track and make it through more reps during my arm and ab workout. Wish me luck!!!
Day 10 of 21 day challenge done!!!!
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