Saturday, June 29, 2013

Days 29,30,31

It's definitely been an eventful last few days!!! Well, here we go.

Meals- Daily Budget 1691 calories
Day 29 
My whole days worth of food!!!

Meal 1-353 calories
Meal 2-150 calories
Meal 3-349 calories
Meal 4-276 calories
Meal 5-354 calories
Meal 5!!!

Meal 6-331 calories

Total caloric intake-1814 calories, 1418 calories after workout (396 calories under budget)

Day 30 - today was a bit rough 
Meal 1-292 calories (3 banana berry crepes topped with greek yogurt, recipe here)

the final result :)

Meal 2-398 calories
Meal 3-498 calories (guacamole and tortilla chips)
Meal 4-1229 calories (Chuy's tortilla chips, queso, salsa, a bit of brown rice, refried beans, and vegetarian enchilada)

Total caloric intake-2417 calories, 727 calories over budget, no workout today

Day 31 - also very rough
Meal 1-378 calories (3 banana berry crepes filled and topped with greek yogurt)
Meal 2-300 calories (salt and vinegar kettle chips)
Meal 3-1300 calories (fettuccine Alfredo with Italian sausage and french bread topped with basil pesto)
Meal 4-500 calories (strawberry swirl cheesecake and New York cheesecake topped with caramel sauce)

Total caloric intake-2528 calories, 1326 calories after workout (489 calories under budget)

Day 29
Today was Day 27 of my juneonfire blogilates calendar which meant lower body and back. Today consisted of some MAJOR butt work. I was burning and in pain but I pushed through hard because I knew this was the one area that I needed to work the hardest on. I felt an unbelievable adrenaline rush from the fact that I could actually keep up today. I really feel like since this is the last week of the calendar I feel empowered somehow. It makes me happy to think I've been doing this so long. Good stuff today, good stuff.

I so sweaty

Day 14 O-ffically O-ver!!

Day 30
Today was really rough. I didn't end up working out tonight because right after work I went out to eat with a coworker/friend to eat. By the time I got back it was too late to have a productive workout so I chose to just double up tomorrow.

Day 31
Today was a beast of a workout, In total I went about 3.5 hours, most of it was toning however. Since I missed yesterday I did Day 28 and Day 29 of my juneonfire blogilates calendar. This meant both cardio and arms and abs plus for kicks I decided to do the other arms and abs days from the first of the month just so I could say I did every single video on the calendar. Totally owned by the way. One particular video, bikini blaster 3: abs,abs,abs, kicked my but though. Overall I was pretty proud. The time for my mile this week wasn't as great, 10 minutes flat, but I know it was because I had to run outside and I HATE running outside. Just didn't push myself as hard since it was not my normal way of running. Everything else went really well though considering how long I was working out.

Post workout pics

Day 15 definitely killed

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