Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Days 32, 33, and 34

Soo much win this week so far. Getting back on track and it feels good :)

Meals: Daily budget 1691 calories 
Day 32
Meal 1 - 341 calories
Meal 2 - 739 calories (4 pieces of homemade banana oatmeal bread with peanut butter)
Meal 3 - 210 calories (plain popcorn and whole carrots)
Meal 4 - 440 calories

Daily caloric intake - 1730 calories, 227 calories under budget after workout

Day 33
Meal 1 - 292 calories

Getting pretty good at these
Meal 2 - 342 calories
Meal 3 - 300 calories (kettle corn)

No I didn't eat all of it
Meal 4 -  450 (tortilla chips)
Meal 5 - 150 calories

Daily caloric intake - 1534 calories, 759 calories under budget after workout

Day 34
Meal 1 - 292 calories
Meal 2 - 245 calories
Meal 3 - 650 calories (zucchini squash on sub bread, lays potato chips, and 2 white chocolate macadamia nut cookies)
Meal 4 - 232 calories

Daily caloric intake - 1419 calories, 272 calories under budget

Day 32
Today was core day on my blogilates thisismyjuly calendar workout.  However, it should of been named the kill my abs and lower back past the point of ever becoming a zombie workout. I by no means did all the reps but I sure did try and boy did I still sweat. Usually on toning days I don't sweat very much at all but this day really kicked by butt and had me feeling like I was doing cardio. Hoots to Cassey for continuing to challenge me. I don't think I'll ever be bored or not struggling through her workouts. Very good day, I really felt like I ate right and worked hard to strengthen my core.

Phew my core was burning, feeling strong though!!!

Day 16, S-O  O-ver

Day 33
Today was probably the roughest day I've had. Like seriously, worse than the burpee challenge. It was pop hiit Tuesday which meant that it was a high intensity interval training day. I was sweating all over the floor and then slipping and sliding all over the place because of the puddles on the floor. It was gross, but the good kind of gross, the good gross you get after working out really hard. Since it was they type of workout you did solo I was able to focus more on completing each rep correctly and safely instead of trying to keep up with the video. It was nice....well as nice as it can be when you're dog tired and gasping for air. I did do all 3 sets of torture and felt rather accomplished when I was done. Can't wait to do something new and challenging tomorrow and then do this HIIT routine again Thursday.

Sweaty sweat sweat workout done

Day 17!!!! So close to being done, less than a week!!!!

Day 34
Let me start off by saying I'm sooo totally sore from yesterday. It's like seriously ridic. Even though tomorrow is the 4th of July (YAYYYY) and I don't have class I was so tired from finals studying and work I still wasn't able to work out :(. Hopefully Friday when we get rescheduled I won't have to work that late during the week anymore so I don't have to skip. Wish me luck!!!

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