Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 35, 36, and 37

Whoop whoop first week of July done!!!!! Pretty rough last few days though :/

Day 35
Meal 1-292 calories
Meal 2- 300 calories
Meal 3-252 calories
Meal 4-291 calories

Total caloric intake - 1136 calories, 555 calories under

Day 36
Meal 1-292 calories
Meal 2-300 calories
Meal 3-283 calories
Meal 4- 185 calories
Meal 5-682 calories

Total caloric intake - 1782 calories, 91 calories over, no workout (new rest day)

Day 37
Meal 1-842 calories 
Sooo good, I think I like these better than regular pancakes

Meal 2- 300 calories

Total caloric intake - 1142 calories, 549 calories under

Day 35
Today was POP HIIT day on my blogilates thisismyjuly workout calendar along with the videos I was supposed to do yesterday. Because of the nature of the workout, like Tuesday, I was sweating more than a glass of ice cold tea in the hot Texas sun!!! The first thing I did was Wednesdays videos.

Day 18 done!!!!! Only 3 days left!!!

Day 36

Day 37
Today was Lower body and man did it burn. I do feel like I've improved significantly though because this was my second or third time doing some of these videos and I actually was able to push completely through some of the reps. Feeling lean and mean today. Can't wait for next week so I can continue to improve :)

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